East Framingham Sewer Improvements Project
Project Manager: Joseph Bettencourt / Gino Gioioso
Engineer: S E A Consultants, Inc.
Client: Town of Framingham, Department of Public Works
Construction Cost: $21,800,000
Construction Schedule: April 2010 - 2012
The project consists of the construction of new gravity sewers, sewage force mains, fittings, hydrants, valves, water mains and their connections, fiberoptic duct banks, and appurtenant work. All sewer pipes, sewer manholes, services and connections to existing sewers, with necessary appurtenances and fittings will be furnished and installed, and a portion will be installed inside a steel casing pipe which will be jacked underneath Route 9. The project is going to abandon and demolish two existing sewage pumping stations known as the Valentine and Arsenal pumping stations in addition to demolishing existing sewers and services, sewer force mains and existing water mains and services. Two new bridges will be installed across Cochituate Brook on the Rail Trail. The purpose of the project is to eliminate two old pump stations and redirect flows to MWRA Interceptors including upgrading water mains and lateral sewers. The Cochituate Rail Path will be upgraded to allow for residents to utilize the trail as a walking path through wetlands.