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Highland Ave. Bridge & Roadway Improvement

Historic Bridge Rehab, Bike Lane Construction

Needham, MA and Newton, MA

Project Highlights

The MassDOT was looking to improve the busy two-mile stretch of Highland Avenue, Needham and Needham Street, Newton. This high-volume retail and commuter route right off I-95/128 carries 28,000 vehicles/day. The project included the rehab and widening of an historic stone arch bridge which was built in 1875, the widening of the road to create bike lanes, and improved traffic safety and operations.


For the existing bridge over the Charles River, first the structure was stabilized, and the three stone arches were supported so that the rest of the bridge could be taken apart. P. Gioioso installed a tiedown anchor system to support new cantilevered beams which held up the widened sidewalk and bike lane portion of the bridge. Then the upper portion of the bridge structure was completed.


The road work started with the erection of a series of retaining walls to support the proposed roadway. Utility work including drainage modifications and over a mile of 20-inch ductile iron water main was installed prior to the road reconstruction. There were various drainage upgrades throughout the project to help with storm water management including a drainage basin, trench drains, and infiltration trenches. The team coordinated with multiple overhead utility companies to relocate all of the utility poles and wires through the corridor to accommodate the widened sidewalks and bike lanes on both sides of the road.


The company rebuilt nine intersections, relocating and replacing all traffic signal systems. Then to complete the job, the raised bike lanes, curbs and sidewalk were added and the road was paved.

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